The Swamidass Sez

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Big Rotten Apple

I don't love NY. To me it is:
- An ugly Concrete Jungle
- Too Crowded
- Freezing
- Flat and boring (all the streets look about the same after a awhile)
- NYC Subways strike and the taxis take you to the cleaners ($40 to go 10 blocks.)

Its dangerous, but I'll make a vow here: I'm never coming back to NY for pleasure, and if I have to come on business, I'm not staying a min longer than necessary.
I don't love NY, in fact, I hate NY.

One thing I learned is that leading a group of people on vacation (or anywhere) is hard. Some of the difficulties are:
- Coordinating individual and conflicting preferences
- Being conscious of the group mood

Next time I'm in a group (and not the leader), I'll make sure to give the leader lots of encouragement and gratitude.


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