I was Called to Write This
I've often heard other Christians say that they have been "called" to a certain ministry or that "they were led by God" to make a certain decision. Those who use this type of language appear to have a very close relationship with God because they are really "listening" to God speak to them. I have even been told that I should not join a ministry that I have not been "called" to do. In some situations I have even felt embarrased that I could not honestly use this language to describe my own experience.
When most Christians use the word "calling" or "leading," they usually mean that they have concluded something about God's will from one or more of the following experiences:
- Related Events/Circumstances
- Peaceful or Uneasy Feelings
- Input or Advice from others
While this language comes off as very pious, I see little (if any) evidence in the Bible that God works in this way. To discern God's will, the Bible never instructs Christians to decipher "open/closed doors" or interpret special feelings. This is superstitious hocus pocus.
In the Bible, almost without exception, when God had a special message for someone or wanted to "lead" a person in a certain direction, He intervened supernaturally. Some of these supernatural vehicles include audible voices (Samuel), Dreams/Visions (Paul/Peter), Angels (Abraham), Miracles (Gideon), or prophets.
The supernatual cases are rare - they are not the norm for all Christians. In most cases, men (or women) use wise decision-making skills including:
- Obedience to God
- Logic and Reason
- Seeking Counsel
Greg Koukl made this same point on his weekly radio show (2/26). For instance, he says, the longest passage on marriage in the Bible (1 Cor 7) says a lot of things about making the decision on how to marry, but never says to ask God who to marry. For such a major decision, God gives us guidelines but ulimately wants us to decide. Some may ask how do we know if we are in God's plan? Forget about God. God works in his soverignty behind a curtain. He will acheive his plans, and where necessary, he will supernatually intervene.
Does God actually "call" all Christians into making specific decisions in their life? No, not all. When God does call some, it is unmistakable and usually supernatural.
When most Christians use the word "calling" or "leading," they usually mean that they have concluded something about God's will from one or more of the following experiences:
- Related Events/Circumstances
- Peaceful or Uneasy Feelings
- Input or Advice from others
While this language comes off as very pious, I see little (if any) evidence in the Bible that God works in this way. To discern God's will, the Bible never instructs Christians to decipher "open/closed doors" or interpret special feelings. This is superstitious hocus pocus.
In the Bible, almost without exception, when God had a special message for someone or wanted to "lead" a person in a certain direction, He intervened supernaturally. Some of these supernatural vehicles include audible voices (Samuel), Dreams/Visions (Paul/Peter), Angels (Abraham), Miracles (Gideon), or prophets.
The supernatual cases are rare - they are not the norm for all Christians. In most cases, men (or women) use wise decision-making skills including:
- Obedience to God
- Logic and Reason
- Seeking Counsel
Greg Koukl made this same point on his weekly radio show (2/26). For instance, he says, the longest passage on marriage in the Bible (1 Cor 7) says a lot of things about making the decision on how to marry, but never says to ask God who to marry. For such a major decision, God gives us guidelines but ulimately wants us to decide. Some may ask how do we know if we are in God's plan? Forget about God. God works in his soverignty behind a curtain. He will acheive his plans, and where necessary, he will supernatually intervene.
Does God actually "call" all Christians into making specific decisions in their life? No, not all. When God does call some, it is unmistakable and usually supernatural.
To anyone of you who read this, I hope the tone wasn't too harsh...especially the "hocus pocus" part.
Vijay Swamidass, At
9:50 PM
Vijay, i love this thought of yours! And, "i was called to answer." ;-)
i remember feeling for years that everyone else must have gotten a roadmap of "God's Will" while i was gone using the powder room...Christians of all ages and descriptions would speak of being "called by God" to do any number of things, and i felt like the inferior Christian for being hard of hearing. (Picture shortish female standing at the edge of a room of apparent Spiritual Giants, clutching my purse, smiling bravely, trying to listen into other conversations while attempting to seem like i also had a personalized copy of "The Map"...)
Imagine my relief when my bible study teacher of the time (Norma Bonds 20+ years ago) explained that God's will wasn't this big cloudy thing, but simply put, all He wants of us is to do what He's asked us to do in His word. Obedience through relationship. "The Map" turned out to be the Bible. AHAH! This i have!
i do know without a doubt that God has engaged me in moments of decision when i've struggled over something in prayer, so i'm not saying God doesn't communicate with me--but the conversations are based in the relationship He and i have built over the years as i've learned who He is and how to follow what i learn of Him along the way.
julia, At
10:45 AM
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