True Religion
I've been wondering lately about the importance of helping the poor. Helping the poor seems to be one of many good ministries in the church. But is there anything especially important about helping those in need? The Bible says a lot about helping the poor and needy.
From the very beginning, under both the Old and New Covenants, it is clear that taking care of the poor and needy is a high priority.
But honestly, I don't see many obviously poor people in my day-to-day life. Maybe they are there and I just am not aware of it. At the same time, in some cases, my responses (and those of others I know) are sometimes cynical:
- They are using the system
- They'll probably buy drugs
- They are lazy and should be working
- I get so many requests, some of them must be scams
Yet, in spite of any doubts, it is clear we must not ignore those who are in need.
Who are the poor? Widows, orphans, brothers, and aliens and people unable to support themselves (Acts 6, Leviticus 25:35, Deut 24) Widows and orphans seem to be specially singled out in many places as deserving of generous care and compassion:
Christian giving often seems to be a means to an end. I think that the simplicity of showing God's grace and mercy through helping the poor has sometimes fallen by the wayside.
So what should I give to the poor? Food, clothing, money (Deut. 10:18, Acts 2:34, Acts 11)
Food and clothing, are the most basic of needs and no one should be without those. While money may be used immorally or stollen, it is almost impossible to misuse gifts of food or clothing.
How should I give? Secretly.
In general, it is the tempation for most to start or join ministries that are widely known or successful. Yet, we are told to give in secret. No selfish motives allowed. I know this easy to preach and hard to practice.
There is also some interesting wisdom on the subject:
I must seek out and help those in need (of food and clothing in particular), especially widows and orphans.
There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. - Deuteronomy 15:11
For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles' feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need. - Acts 4:34
From the very beginning, under both the Old and New Covenants, it is clear that taking care of the poor and needy is a high priority.
But honestly, I don't see many obviously poor people in my day-to-day life. Maybe they are there and I just am not aware of it. At the same time, in some cases, my responses (and those of others I know) are sometimes cynical:
- They are using the system
- They'll probably buy drugs
- They are lazy and should be working
- I get so many requests, some of them must be scams
Yet, in spite of any doubts, it is clear we must not ignore those who are in need.
Who are the poor? Widows, orphans, brothers, and aliens and people unable to support themselves (Acts 6, Leviticus 25:35, Deut 24) Widows and orphans seem to be specially singled out in many places as deserving of generous care and compassion:
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. - James 1:27
Christian giving often seems to be a means to an end. I think that the simplicity of showing God's grace and mercy through helping the poor has sometimes fallen by the wayside.
So what should I give to the poor? Food, clothing, money (Deut. 10:18, Acts 2:34, Acts 11)
Food and clothing, are the most basic of needs and no one should be without those. While money may be used immorally or stollen, it is almost impossible to misuse gifts of food or clothing.
How should I give? Secretly.
2"So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 3"But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. - Matthew 6
In general, it is the tempation for most to start or join ministries that are widely known or successful. Yet, we are told to give in secret. No selfish motives allowed. I know this easy to preach and hard to practice.
There is also some interesting wisdom on the subject:
He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses. - Proverbs 28:27
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered. - Proverbs 21:13
I must seek out and help those in need (of food and clothing in particular), especially widows and orphans.
Good point, Aaron.
I agree with C.S.'s perspective - give generously to those who ask of us.
Vijay Swamidass, At
8:14 AM
Well, it sure looks like you and I are on the same wavelength here, Vijay. When we talked about this last night at dinner, I think I pretty much made the same exact points as you did in your post (even down to the secrecy point)! That's pretty cool.
Looking forward to pursuing this idea with you further.
DrewDog, At
1:37 PM
This topic is a very difficult one - go into San Francisco and walk through the Financial District during, or around any BART station. You'll fund many people with their hands out, sometimes very agressively. Should all these people be helped? Should any of them be helped?
Anonymous, At
7:03 PM
Let's explore this...
What would be the reason for not helping these people in SF?
Vijay Swamidass, At
10:02 AM
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